Lucky to “Loop”

Lucky to “Loop”- the benefits of the “loop”/having the same kids for multiple years

The idea of “looping”, or keeping students with the same teacher(s) for two or more years, has been around for a while, and researchers continue to study the many advantages of this practice.

Some advantages include, but are not limited to, strengthened student-teacher relationships, improved assessment scores, expanded time for instruction, increased parent participation, and increased student support and engagement.

There is also “evidence of spillover benefits: students assigned to classes in which a large share of classmates are in repeat student-teacher matches experience gains even if not previously assigned to that teacher themselves” (find the research article here.)

Here at Indi-ED, we are built on this model of looping. Because genuine human connections and meaningful, individualized learning are both at our core, it is only natural that we would keep our students with the same teachers for multiple years.

 The “spillover benefits” mentioned above absolutely apply to us as well, as we have experienced over 50% growth in our student numbers each year.

It is important to note that the advantages of looping truly extend past our students, to our teachers and our families. Every relationship benefits from having a deep understanding of each, along with open and honest communication.  Whether the relationship is teacher/team-to-student, student-to-student, or teacher/team-to-parent, it is a win-win scenario for everyone!

Some of my students have been with me for two years now, for others it is their third year with me. It is difficult to explain just how wonderful it is to genuinely KNOW my students. It is not difficult, however, to see the specific advantages that come from this:

  • I can provide a stable learning environment, supporting my students’ developmental changes and their individual needs. Our learning extends past academics, to building social and emotional intelligence as well.
  • At the start of each year, we have more quality learning time, because we have already built our relationships. We can almost pick up where we left off.
  • We are able to seamlessly include new students into our cohorts each year, because our existing bonds are strong.
  • We have more time to dive into our curriculum and long-term projects, with my students developing deeper understanding of the content. Student are also able to deeply investigate their personal interests and potential career paths.
  • Because my students know me, and I know them, they are more willing to take smart risks. They are able to try new things, makes mistakes, and even fail. They know I support them and that all mistakes are learning experiences.

Here at Indi-ED, we are lucky to loop. I feel lucky every single day to know and teach my students.

Just like everything, and every type of teaching, there are challenges. But because we are deeply invested in overall student achievement and growth, it is always worth it.

At its core, looping leads to more meaningful relationships and learning— which is what we are all about!