Messaging Part 3 of 3

It’s gut check time.

If you had to declare right here, right now-the most important messages that you want your little ones to know, what would they be?

I know all families are different but if I had to guess, I would guess that a large majority would agree with most of these:

-You are loved.

-You are valued.

-You are capable.

Or perhaps you’d agree with most of the lyrics in this song:

I ask this question because as I’m on this journey to launch Indi-ED next year, I have the privilege of intentionally designing the messages that our students will hear. What our core values will be. How I will expect my teachers to approach our students as individuals and simply as children who are learning to become competent adults.

I am beyond pumped because I can FINALLY say that we will have a school that values the above in emotional messages in addition to a growth mindset towards academics.

Research consistently shows that when students feel loved and valued, that their more apt to learn at higher levels.

I think we can also agree based on last week’s post that the messages that our schools are sending need to shift and here’s one way that we plan to do so – adopting a growth mindset!

If you’ve not heard of growth mindset yet, watch this quick talk given by Dr. Carol Deck for an overview.

I’m reading her book right now, “Mindset the New Psychology of Success: How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential” and am already declaring it our first staff book club book.

I can’t wait to be surrounded by kids and teachers who are excited to experience new things and to become more self-aware in the process!

I can’t wait to be surrounded by kids and teachers who value the process of making mistakes and learn from them!

I can’t wait to be surrounded by kids and teachers who value, love, and build one another up to see what they’re truly capable of!

These are just a few of the messages that we will be sending to our little ones at Indi-ED. Perhaps you take a moment to reflect and declare what the messages are that you’re intentionally sending to your class or your family today.

Just for fun, I stumbled across this picture of our class pledge from my first years of teaching. I’ll be bringing some of these oldies but goodies back as well. Let’s do this!