Is there research to support your theory?
Research on how students learn through making connections, having real life experiences, and creating -absolutely. That is what constructivism, constructionism, differentiation and brain-based research is all about. Feel free to contact us and we can give you additional examples of successes and similar schools operating around the country and around the world.
Or consider what you remember from school or something that you may have learned. We can almost certainly guess that you did not recall sitting at a desk, a worksheet, or a test with no meaning. We will venture a guess that you recalled something that you experienced. Perhaps a trip, an experience, or something that you did for yourself -even if you did make a mistake and learned from it in the process, or even something that involved another caring human.
How do we know if our child will be on grade level?
Quality teachers design curriculum. Our teachers address the same set of standards that students learn in a traditional setting. The difference is that we design our curriculum around our students instead of establishing the curriculum and then expecting the students to fall into line.
If your child is a ‘4th grader’ who is able to handle ‘6th grade level math’, then that’s what we give them. If your child is a ‘4th grader’ who struggles with math, then we find the academic level that they are at and work from there. We eliminate the judgement and expectations and simply focus on learning. Your child will make progress and likely gain confidence in themselves in the process. Our low teacher to student ratios also ensure that your students are getting what they need which means that our students are actually able to learn more than what is traditionally expected.
All of our students tested at least one grade level above their traditionally assigned level. (Some up to as many as 7.)
I like the inquiry part of the day, but shouldn’t you be the one telling them what to learn?
The basic idea of providing children with choice and differentiating instruction are concepts that are taught in teacher training. However, in any traditional school setting are next to impossible to apply because one human cannot be expected to differentiate content for 20-140 students.
Indi-ED however, teaches our students to make decisions for themselves while supporting their independence. Allowing for choice often, creates buy in to the learning process as a whole and positively reinforces cooperative social skills as students work together to achieve common goals. They become reflective parts of the process instead of being forced to simply do as they are told.
Children are like sponges. Experts in our community provide higher leveled ideas, our teachers guide the learning process, and children become empowered as they delve into areas that they are curious about. The cycle of learning never stops, the teacher is engaged in the process, and what comes as a result is that the students desire to do more.
How do I know if this is right for my child?
Keep in mind, this is geared toward what works best for each individual child. However, we do realize that a new way of work can be intimidating if you’ve never considered it before. We would be happy to meet and discuss your situation with you to provide more specific feedback.
Will my child still be able to get into college?
Yes. Our students can still earn the numbers data that college applications look for-testing scores, GPA, etc.
In addition, our students walk away with portfolio products that also support college entrance.
We can actually graduate our students with an accredited high school diploma and an associate degree on the same day if desired.
Our students have successfully transitioned to private, magnet, IB, arts programs, etc. in local high schools.
They have also graduated with us, dual enrolled while enrolled with us, and have been accepted into and earned scholarships to local colleges and universities in the U.S. and overseas.
Doesn’t this seem a little too idealistic?
It’s the 21st century. Why can’t it be?