Re-imagining School For the 21st Century
With small, multi-aged cohorts, teachers can differentiate for each child. Project based learning encourages learning “by doing,” student led inquiry cycles allow student voice and choice, and connecting everything to experiences in the real world allows them to practice real world skills.
To prepare our students to lead, we focus on honoring the whole child and healthy living. We develop strengths and weaknesses, resourcefulness and problem solving, and their abilities to reflect and adapt so that they will be equipped to take on any role they choose.
Our open learning environment promotes collaboration. Our teachers and families are on the same team and have the same goal – empowering our children. When empathy, care, and support are modeled, we can all focus on growing and improving. And dare we say, we even enjoy our time together.
Integrating traditional subjects with real-world experiences, we foster social skills, initiative, and a higher level education in less time while teaching what most adults wish they learned during their own education and what all young people will certainly need.
A Real Education for the Real World
We are embarking on a Revolutionary Era and Indi-ED is committed to re-imagining the idea of school.
In 2015 our founder, Christine Laurenzi, was invited to speak at a TEDx event about how our education system should emerge in order to address our children’s beautiful uniqueness.
We invite you to watch with an open mind and gain a brief understanding of how a portion of our days are spent.
Nine years later, Christine Laurenzi was invited to give another TEDx talk using specific evidence from Indi-ED’s students’ experiences over the past eight years of operation to illuminate how traditional schools can become beacons of transformation.
Only this time, she asked her students if any of them would like to tackle the challenge with her. Seven middle school students wanted to. They had three weeks to collaborate to write, memorize, rehearse, and deliver this powerful talk in front of hundreds.
They were able to pull this off with confidence and walk with the pride of accomplishing it because they’ve done it so many times before. Working hard for something you want, communicating their ideas professionally, and going after big things – it’s par for the course for all kids at Indi-ED.