Space for Limitless Potential
A Sampling of Completed Student Inquiry Projects
At Indi-ED, we’re incredibly fortunate to have the flexibility and autonomy to create a unique learning environment. Each year, our talented teachers design a curriculum that not only meets state, national, gifted, and above-grade-level standards but also integrates relevant and engaging content. What truly sets us apart is our ability to seize new opportunities as they arise, enriching our students’ experiences with dynamic, real-world learning moments. Not just once a quarter if they’re lucky, but every single day.
Group Project Topic: Local History
21st Century Skill Theme: Leadership & Collaboration
This cohort decided to dive deeper into a topic that they wanted to learn more about, our local history. They took the time to research on their own but also went above and beyond to set up their own local history tour, an architectural walking tour, a history tour via horse and carriage, and one student even got the entire cohort an interview with the Mayor.
They then went on to create an interactive experience for their Showcase where they put on interactive skits as important members from our city’s history, created timelines and discussions around the small details that they learned about our city, transformed rooms to replicated the architectural components they learned about, and put on an engaging presentation to demonstrate their understanding.
That is real socializing.
Individual Project Topic: Supporting Pet Pal Rescue
21st Century Skill Theme: Innovation & Creativity
Ria has always loved animals. She saves money every year to donate to her favorite local charity, Pet Pal Rescue.
For her third inquiry project, she wanted to compound on her preexisting passion. Under the theme of innovation, Ria set on a path to come up with an easier way for people to donate. Think the Little Lending Libraries you see around town, but for donations that would go to her favorite charity.
Ria took the time to draw blue prints, create multiple prototypes, and then shared her very personal story in a presentation that took our breath away.
She not only collected supplies and donations to bring when she interviewed the founder of Pet Pal Rescue and pitched her idea, but also arranged for one of their employees and one of their adoptable furry friends to join her at her final presentation.
Ria displays determination and perseverance at all times. This was simply another example of how kids can takes things to the next level if you allow them to.
Individual Project Topic: Music
21st Century Skill Theme: Leadership & Initiative
Ben’s inquiry projects have almost always incorporated music as that’s his passion.
He’s worked to become a natural on stage and when his guitar is with him, he always puts on an impressive show. What’s most impressive is to watch how he’s built off of his own ideas.
His first showcase he pushed himself to learn a challenging song. He set up an interview of his own and met with someone who started his own recording studio and got to play on a piano that John Legend played on.
For his next showcase he chose to take a look at music through the lens of responsibility and leadership.
Then last year challenged himself again and collaborated with an actual musician, Ted from Passafire, to record his first original song.
Some of our kids benefit from being able to explore a variety of ideas. But some of them are fully aware of their life’s path and are simply building up products for their portfolio or anything that may help them in their futures.
Since graduating, Ben has been pursuing his passion professionally by playing in his own band.
Collaborative Project Topic: Videography
21st Century Skill Theme: Collaboration
A sibling set came to Indi-ED strong in their values and understanding of self.
One is an accomplished artist and the other is an accomplished musician. Both young ladies are driven but took advantage of Indi-ED’s inquiry cycle to collaborate further and put into play ideas that they have been considering for a while.
For her first showcase, our musician began working on a musical that she had the idea to write for quite some time. Upon the completion of the first unit, she composed and shared an original song from the first act of the musical.
For our second unit, our artist decided to take her sister’s original song and shoot a music video for it. She storyboarded, shot, edited, and owned every aspect from start to finish.
Both students are continuing to follow their passions. Our musician is currently studying at the University of Berklee, College of Music. Her artist sister, after receiving a full ride to her first choice college in NC, is working in production on set in LA.
Cross Cohort Project Topic: Gardening
21st Century Skill Theme: Responsibility & Sustainability
After teaching a biology unit the year prior and hearing about how much our students enjoyed it, we decided to take it even further the following year.
One set of students investigated chemistry through aquaponics while partnering with a local aquaponics business. While another set of students investigated biology through traditional gardening at a local community garden.
Each cohort investigated complex content while having a real life, hands on experience to help deepen understanding. Which means they had to problem solve when failures arose but were also able to literally reap the benefits of what they sowed.
At the end of the unit, they prepared an entire family meal from their harvests and were serendipitously invited to be background extras on the set of an actual Hallmark movie where they played school children beginning a community garden.