What a weekend! This past weekend, five of our middle schoolers, a family member of theirs, and Mrs. Laurenzi, traveled to Atlanta for a national competition that tested our students professionalism, poise, relevant knowledge, and adaptability. They were placed in […]
As our students are preparing for their upcoming Showcase and planning for their final unit, we thought it would be appropriate to share how the inquiry portion of our day operates and how allowing room for student voice makes an […]
Each inquiry unit we design intentionally revolves around a 21st century skill that our students/all children will grow up and will likely succeed if they are well versed in. This unit’s theme, for example, was collaboration. We have been encouraging […]
People often ask how we’re different. There’s no single, easy answer. But learning through experiences is certainly a major component. Localtopia is an annual event that allows us to reinforce why we encourage our kids to experience as many things […]