(After our architect visit, we had to draw the room that we’re installing our stage in to scale. Leila’s had the experience before, Angelina hadn’t yet. Collaboration and support at its finest.)
I think we all can agree that each week we are guided to do new things on our own. We get a chance to learn more about ourselves, which inspires us to make a difference. Indi-ED is teaching us the ability to work for ourselves and to explore what interests us in everyday life. (For example, we just finished our student led conferences and we also finished a personality survey to learn about ourselves and each other.) Haven’t you ever wondered what you can learn about yourself?
My teacher, Ms. Heller, has helped me improve in math and has made me want to learn more and more. This week my class has been finishing up with decimals, fractions, and percentages. And believe me, I never knew you could learn so much with them. Starting next week, we are going to be learning geometry.
Another thing I’ve been enjoying is reading my autobiography on Christopher Reeve. I have not only learned more about him, but I have also realized that this book can inspire others. I never knew you could connect with someone without knowing them. I would definitely rate this book 10 our of 10. With these subjects I’ve been studying, I have gotten to not only learn about myself and others, I’ve gotten to do it myself, which will definitely help me in the future.
In Mrs.Laurenzi’s cohort with me (Angelina) we started a lot of new units. In science, we started our astronomy unit. We were watching a video on what space really is. Alex being our “fun fact master”, would pause the video now and then to help us understand certain things in the video. Mrs. Laurenzi was in the room to help guide us, but it ended up being us teaching ourselves and each other, “We were doing it on our own, Indi-ED style.”
In math we started our geometry unit and we were going over line segments etc. Mrs. Laurenzi brought in dried spaghetti and marshmallows, and we used them to help us create different shapes. By using partners it helped us collaborate and teach ourselves teamwork.
This past year we have learned to move forward and collaborate with others which is sometimes hard in other schools. One reason why Indi-ED is great is because we don’t just learn more about others, we learn more about ourselves too.