People often ask how we’re different. There’s no single, easy answer. But learning through experiences is certainly a major component.
Localtopia is an annual event that allows us to reinforce why we encourage our kids to experience as many things as possible. For example, in order to prepare for this event our kids have to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset. They are given the opportunity to sell anything that they create and to do what they want with the profit. They have to consider the customers, the event, the time of year, what worked last year and what didn’t. They have to demonstrate social skills that simply can’t be replicated in any other simulated environment.
Our kids who are shy, gain confidence when speaking articulately about something they care about. Our kids brush shoulders with locals and local leaders. Our kids get to make an impact. Our kids get to connect with their families and their friends’ families. Our kids get to collaborate, negotiate, and create.
They get to try something new, push themselves, initiate conversations, have friendly competitions, and build stronger bonds. And most importantly become more empowered because they set a goal and worked together to crush it.
Localtopia is a once a year event in our city. But our kids’ experiences don’t stop there. From this one event, they will calculate their profit this week then we’ll talk through short-medium-and long term plans to spend/save/invest. It’s their money. Then we’ll get to work creating 180 cards that they will share with foster kids, the homeless, and young people in a juvenile justice program for Valentine’s Day.
Everything can present learning opportunities. We hope you see how lucky our kids are because this is just one example of how one day compounds their learning and life experiences.