On the 4th Day of Gift-mas Indi-ED Gave to Me, 4 Uplifting Words

Clearly we give more than 4 uplifting words but the idea that we can control our thoughts, words, emotions, and beliefs are ideas that we introduce and reinforce with our students every single year. 

From our rookie students having to read, “The Positive Dog” the summer before they join, to beginning most years with a personal development book, to the pledge that we say daily that culminates with, 

“My thoughts become my words,

my words become my beliefs,

my beliefs impact my actions,

and my actions create who I am.

I love myself.

I matter.

I pledge to become a positive leader and my best self.”

We know the power of positive thinking and finding the positive in others and our current situation. 

We’re not looking to encourage naivety, we’re looking to build perspective and understanding around the way our brains work and how we can counter that in a healthy way.

Grounded and capable of building themselves and others up because they have been built up themselves.
