Hi, my name is Jaylyn. I’m 10 years old and in the 4th grade and I go to school at Indi-ED! I think this school is cut out for me! So far it has improved on my positivity and other […]
This past week was another of epic proportions. (I don’t prefer that word as of late but for this, it is all too accurate.) I feel compelled to share all of the details because on multiple occasions I’ve heard comments […]
I have stayed at “work” until after 5:00pm more than 50% of the 15 days that we’ve had so far this year-by choice. I “worked” through the summer. I “work” evenings. I “work” weekends. Here is why I am not […]
Today Marks the 1 Year Anniversary of the day that I gave my TEDx talk. A HUGE day in my life for many reasons. The one that pertains to this blog is that up until that point, I had not […]