As you know, we ask our students to reflect whenever possible because honest reflection and action, create genuine growth. They understand the value of pausing, discussing, and completing individual reflections. Last week, we asked our students to reflect on some […]
Today you’ll hear from Mrs. Pethe’s cohort as they informally shot a video reflection after their forensics experience. They’ve been studying “forensics” (with a childlike spin-no CSI replications here) because it helps them with their critical thinking skills, it can […]
Last week, we had the amazing opportunity to have a tour of the St. Pete Innovation District. The Executive Director of the District, Alison Barlow, visited our school a couple weeks ago and based on our interests, she coordinated the […]
If you’re new to Indi-ED, we’d like to introduce you to our inquiry portion of the day. Check out this blog for a closer look as to what it is and how it works as well as how it went […]
Riley & Reece took their opportunity to digest the big idea that experiences do indeed equal learning. This is a large component of how and why we operate the way we do. To clarify, our students are lucky to […]
This week was a very exciting week. The main event was our monthly Indi-ED family meal. If you don’t know what it is, then you came to the right place! The family meal is when everybody and their families come […]
We are back and better than ever! And I, Leila, am here to show you what kind of adventure we had this week. This week, we participated in many lessons and activities that showed how we can collaborate and take […]
What does a school conference usually look like? Most people would say it is where a parent and a teacher meet and talk about a student’s work and behavior. Key word: ABOUT. They are usually talking about the student and […]
It’s called Indi-ED because we get to be real individuals here, and for part of our time, we get to work on projects based on our own individual interests. We learn so much here. The year is split into three […]
Year 2, Week 5 at Indi-ED! We get to learn about mature topics (which is why Smarter Than just a 5th grader didn’t work for our title) and have been learning about communication for the past 2 weeks. We are […]