Creativity & Trust

Creativity is the ability to think and express oneself in new and original ways. We believe it is an essential trait that every child needs to develop, as it enables them to come up with unique ideas, solve problems, and adapt to changing circumstances. 

One way to foster creativity in children is by providing them with an environment that stimulates their imagination. As we conclude our year, the kids’ creative and end of unit projects are on full display.

Another way to promote creativity in children is through exposure to various forms of art, such as music, painting, and dance. This is part of the reason why we go out into the community for our “electives”. These art forms can help to stimulate their senses and inspire them to create their own works of art. Exposing children to different cultures, literature, and experiences can also broaden their horizons and encourage them to think outside the box.

It is important to note that creativity is not just limited to the arts or school. It can also be expressed in other areas such as science, math, and engineering and encouraged at home. Encouraging children to think creatively can help them to develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.

Perhaps one of the most overlooked factors that must be present when expressing creativity freely, is creating a space where we can freely explore, experiment, and play without the fear of being judged or criticized. Such an environment can be found in almost any room at Indi-ED. 

At Indi-ED we believe that creativity is a vital skill that every child should develop. It enables them to think independently, solve problems, and adapt to changing circumstances. Our teachers and families support children to become creative thinkers who are able to tackle any challenge that comes their way.